Doug Carter: Where Do Our Rights Come From?

Without a doubt, one of the biggest issues our nation faces today is the crisis of humanity and human rights.

The Left claims to be a champion of human rights, but let’s talk about the source of human rights. In our nation we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We find that in the Declaration of Independence.

But what happens when the Left doesn’t believe in God? Where do your rights come from?

The Left has bought into a philosophy called “humanism.”

Humanism is built on the underlying assumption there is no God; humanity is all there is.

But that only goes so far. With globalization, everybody has different ideas. How do you reconcile everyone’s ideas in a globalized world?

The Left has turned to nature. Nature is all there is to them. There is no god who created the world; the world just “is”.

In a world like that, if nature is all there is, where do your rights come from? What are the sources of human rights?

Science is the answer they give us.

Therefore, you use science to determine right and wrong. But what’s interesting is the Left has taken the position that science says we’re overpopulated. If we’re overpopulated, what’s the right thing to do?

How do you save the planet if we’re overpopulated?

Who’s the enemy of the planet if we’re overpopulated?

That’s the people.

To the Left, we produce and consume too much. We consume more than nature can regenerate, so we have to have a managed decline.

I think that’s what the mask mandates are all about. I think that’s what the Covid lockdowns are all about.

Why is it the Left wants to keep our nation locked down- in fact, the whole world locked down? It’s the progressives that want to keep it locked down.

God says in Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the Earth and use it.”

It’s the exact opposite of the position the Left takes; it’s the antithesis.

When you’re talking about the antithesis of God- the antithesis of Christ- you’re talking about the Antichrist.

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Published by

Doug Carter

Doug Carter is a graduate of North Carolina State University and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Besides teaching ethics and Bible courses, he writes about cultural issues from a biblical perspective. He'll tell you things media, politicians, and preachers should be saying, but aren't. His work has been featured on the Rush Limbaugh Show, WND, Western Journalism, Freedom Outpost,

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